Divorce: The Heart of Control


Dealing with control issues, as I do every single day with my clients, I have come to realize there are six basic areas where control is, or can be, an issue. Understanding these six areas is key to your survival and well-being. Often, fights or tensions in these areas are stressors that can cause control to become an issue.

Either people want to control or feel they have lost control. Or, for some couples, the break-up is over control itself, or because of a chronic control battle that cannot be rectified. These control issues typically fall into a half dozen fundamental categories:

The Big Six.
1. Money/Property/Wealth
2. Children
3. Health (physical and mental)
4. Loss of Love/Intimacy
5. Growth (personal and professional)
6. Fear (physical/emotional/psychological)

In my experience, for every single case, one of these stressors has either prompted a struggle for control or people are at war in that particular area of control. In personal relationships — marital or others — where control is a problem, these tensions fit “uncomfortably” into at least one of The Big Six, if not more. Sometimes all!